
Saving a log from the fire pit.

A while back I was a construction site where they were removing a number of trees. One of them in particular was a large and fairly straight Mesquite tree. The guys were going to cut it up for fire wood and that just kind of pushed the wrong buttons for me. After a little chatting […]

Working on the VG1-5 stock

With the router table completed, for the most part, we started working on the stocks for the VG1-5 rifle. This video takes the stock from a rough sawed pattern to the finished dimensional stock.

To complete this task we used two different router bits. The first bit

being a bearing guided bit that rides […]

The usual weekend update

Another weekend has come and gone. I just do not know where the time goes anymore. The weekend ends seem to take forever to get here and in a flash they are gone.

There were two main projects that I needed to complete this weekend. The first is re-work and finish up the router table. […]

Part 1 on making the stocks for the VG1-5

This last weekend I started making the stocks for the VG1-5. This is a multi step process in which the basic board is measured, have the edge squared, re-sawed, planed,and generally set up to then make the stock.

This is the video for part one.

So I am starting with this.

And end up […]

Happy Thanksgiving from Gun Lab

Here at gun Lab a terrific day was had. My wife cooked an outstanding meal using her new and almost completed kitchen. There was ham,turkey,stuffing,potatoes,and all the necessary fixings to go with them. Friends and family were her to enjoy the meal.

As for myself The day off was perfect. I was able to get […]

More going on at Gun Lab

With this post I am happy to note that Axel, a friend of gun lab, is back for a visit and as always we put him back to work. And unlike what most people think of me we did actually allow him some time off to go to the local gun show and stores.

This […]

VG1-5 stock making

When we made the first couple of stocks for the VG1-5 we used a fixture to hold the stock. This fixture held the wooden blank that we cut using the bandsaw and then using a hand held router we cut the radius on the out side edge of the stock.

This procedure was a little […]

Another interesting gunsmithing site

I was doing research on rust bluing for a up coming project that I need t finish when I came across this site. It is not a how to site per say but there is a great deal of interesting information there.

Stock making and rust bluing are two topics that he touches on […]

Playing with the cnc router

Most of Saturday morning was spent with trying to get a feel of how to use the cnc router. The operating system is Mach 3 which is totally different then any other system in the shop. A number of items were learned during this operating time. The first thing was the e-stop is wired in […]

Making the VG1-5 up date Hand Guards

This last week has been a huge push to finish the VG1-5 in time for the SAR show. A great deal of work needed to be completed and not near enough time to complete it all.

The big push was to complete and correct the fire control mechanism. It is now fixed and operating properly. […]