
Interesting Gun Making Videos

I came across this series of videos by accident. The project is not complete yet, but it is turning into a very nice piece of art. Check it out.

Part one of the series.


Part 2 of the series.

Part 2b of the series.


Part 3 of the series


Another sheet metal pistol

After my post on Axel’s home made sheet metal pistol I came across another one made by Clinton Westwood. In the following videos produced My Clinton he goes over the process that he went through to make a 25acp pistol from this set of plans.


Part 1 This deals with making the magazine.


Home made single shot pistol

I am kind of a sucker for single shot pistols and have posted a few on this site. I am also have an interest in home made guns, other gunsmith sites and video’s on making guns. So this post will cover all these topics at one time.

He has come up with an interesting design […]

Making the Sharpes rifle

In my usual time of relaxing and surfing the internet I came across some interesting video’s on the making of the Sharps rifle.

The first is the machining of the receiver.

The next video is making the stock.

This is the barrel making video.

This last video deals with the finish that […]

Another old video on making the 1903 springfield



This is another video in the series of early gun making. This on shows the forging of the 1903 bayonet and making the barrel for the 1903.

Older gun making Italian style.

This video was taken at an Italian factory where they are working on Carcano’s and Revelli machine guns.;_ylt=A2KIo9Uop.9VXzcA428snIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBzYjc0MWM5BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMzk-?p=gunstock+making+machine&vid=fd97950ced4d59562eda07112d13cc56&


Just a great deal of hand work

More on the VG1-5

You have now seen the first series of spot welds necessary to put the strengthening plats in and putting then together. With this accomplished it is time to do the first machining op on the receiver. This operation cuts out the trigger opening and also the holes necessary to weld in the front barrel support. […]

Older gun making video part2

Today’s post is another of the video’s out there dealing with making the weapons of war in the U.S. This video deals with making the BAR and it.s magazine.

What is interesting is the pressing dies and method used to make the BAR magazine. I find the fixture design to answer question that I […]

Finishing machining the safety for the AR-180B

We have finally finished machining the last part for the AR-180B safety. This is the master cam video showing the steps that were performed to complete this task.

With this last installment we have now completed machining the safety for the AR-180B. This picture shows all the steps that we took to make the […]

Japax wire edm

I am going to start a series of posts on the Japax wire edm. I am doing this for a variety of reasons. The first is that it is an easy way for me to show Brett, by the way who is a great guy, at McWilliams sales and service ,, what is going […]