
Nepalese Enfield

I am starting back with a weekly post of guns from the reference collection. I hope you enjoy them.

This is a Nepalese Enfield rifle.

This rifle has now gone to the Pattern Room to be added to there permanent collection.


Dealer Showroom deals

Here are a few of the interesting items that I found at Dealer Showroom.

The first and really exciting item is a brand new AR-10 Sudanese hand guard.

There are still 2 of them left.

I am working on a couple of Enfield projects and was able to pick up a few items toward […]

Cut away weapons

By now most of you that come to this site know that I have a thing about cut away weapons. They are a great tool in understand how weapons work and in my case allow me to see the functioning of the guns that we make. I own a number of cut away weapons and […]

Cut away Enfield pistol

It has been a while since I have posted any cut away pictures. This one is on the Enfield N02Mk1.

Left side view.

A slightly better picture.

Close up of the revolver.

Right side view

I really like cut away weapons. It is a great way to study them.

If anyone has any cut away […]

1945 Lithgow 22 trainer

John a friend of Gun Lab recently sent me some pictures of an addition to his collection as he knows that I have a thing for 22 trainers. This is a Lithgow SMLE 111* rifle that is in 22 lr. According to the available references on this rifle they were put together by Jovino in […]

Converted Rifles

In this segment we are going to discuss rifles that were converted from one caliber to another to allow them to be used by the country that captured them or to convert them for training. I first got interested in this after reading about the Cuban revolution and the weapons that they used.This first segment […]

Sunday answer 2-8-15

This is the locking device and recoil spring guide for the 7.63×25 Howard Francis carbine. There is only one prototype that is known to have been made in late 1943. It uses a No.1 Mk3. receiver and was converted to a semi-automatic magazine fed carbine.

A black and write photo of the complete rifle.


Shooting the 410 Enfield shotgun

After working non stop for almost two weeks my friend Mac and myself decided to take a break and do a little shooting. I needed to test the 410 Enfield shotgun for accuracy, so off we went with that and 3 other weapons. We had a great time with the little Enfield. The accuracy is […]

Weekend update 9-8-14

This update has to do with some ammo that I just received. I had ordered a couple of cases of .410 shotgun musket ammo for the Enfield 410 shotgun from Dan’s Sporting Goods. These are some great people to deal with. It was a very pleasant experience to say the least and they will have […]