
Working on the cnc router.

It has been a while since I have done any work on the cnc router. Now with the wood shop termite issue coming to an end I have started back at it. When we last left off with it I had just found that the router that came with it had a bent spindle and […]

More VG1-5 updates

With the completion of the mechanical portions of the cnc router it the computer portions have been being worked on. The router original used a Mach 3 operating system with an older style break out board. We upgraded the computer systems and well as the mechanical systems and have a real issue ever since. Wally, […]

More work on the cnc router

The majority of the mechanical work on the router is completed. Now comes the aggravating part, and that is getting the computer to correctly operate it.

Wally, a friend of gun lab, just spent part of his Sunday helping to get it operational.

There are a number of issues that have to be addressed. Starting […]

More on the CNC router

The making of the new Z axis.

Starting with the solid models. You can see the entire assembly. Front and


This solid model shows the changes that we have made.

Pins to maintain alignment, lower bearing for the screw support.

The new upper housing

Now on to the actual nuts and […]

CNC router update

Over the last few weekend I have been working on trying to get the CNC router completed thus allowing me to finish the stocks and hand guards for the VG1-5 rifle. For every step forward there seems to have been 3 steps back. It is hard to believe that it has been over a year […]

Working on the CNC router

A large part of this weekend was spent working on the cnc router. I finished the connectors and hooked them up at the connector board that I made.

The motor control circuits were then wired up.

The wiring from the out side of the connector box were hooked up.

All new wiring and air was […]

Weekend update for 4th of July

Like all weekends I started out with a list that I could not possibly get done in the time frame allotted.

There were projects that I have been wanting to accomplish that are fun. Some of the things I needed to finish were under the direction of the commander in chief of the house. Some […]

More work on the CNC router

Most of the machining has been completed on the two side panels. This is how they looked in the solid model.

And this is how they turned out.

We still have 6 holes to drill on each plate and 12 hole to tap on each plate.

With any luck I will have them […]

More work being done on the cnc router

With the wiring completed on the angle connector plate

The next item to be made is the side panel. This is where the fans and angle plate attach to.

These are the pictures of it being machined on the HAAS machining center.

Everything starts as a solid model and then a drawing to work from.


CNC Router update

With the temperatures souring this last weekend most of the projects that were accomplished were done in the house with it’s A/C going.

In this case I continued the fun that I started the weekend previously. All the connectors have been installed and soldered on the angle connector bracket.By the end of last weekend I […]