
Fun at the machine gun shoot

This last weekend was our semi annual when we get around to it kind of twice a year maybe only once a year machine gun shoot. It is nothing great or grand. There are no fees, no explosives, no sales tables, no flying targets and no spectators. Just a boring time of a bunch of […]

Austrian WW1 37mm

I have a thing about 37mm, one pound, cannons. So over the years I have taken a number of pictures of different types of 37mm pieces. This post is a series of photos that I have taken on the Austrian WW1 37mm piece. The proper name for this weapon is the 3.7 cm infanteriegesch,TZ Skoda […]

Archive Photo 4-9-15

I took these pictures in South Carolina about 10 years ago. This is a ships landing gun and is an interesting piece.

If anyone has information on this weapon I would appreciate hearing about it.


Archive Photo.

This is another in a series of pictures that I took over 20 years ago. I had and still have a thing about artillery I have always wanted a piece of artillery of my own but never seem to have the funds available when they came up for sale. So for now I will just […]