I have a thing about 37mm, one pound, cannons. So over the years I have taken a number of pictures of different types of 37mm pieces. This post is a series of photos that I have taken on the Austrian WW1 37mm piece. The proper name for this weapon is the 3.7 cm infanteriegesch,TZ Skoda M.15 This weapon was design and produced by Feldmarsschalleutnant Pucherna. Originally not approved, he went ahead and design the gun. The test gun was made in late 1914 and put into production and put into the field in October 1915.This is a basic line drawing of the weapon.
My goal is that one day I could make a model of this interesting weapon. So here are the pictures.
If you have an interest in 3.7cm artillery pieces you should check out this book.
Very cool gun. I would love to own one since it seems to be the perfect size for private ownership.
This would be the perfect piece to model and build
Incredible detail in those old guns.
Why is the carriage so extensive? It appears to be quite user unfriendly compared to the French/American version.
I am restoring a gun very similar the the one shown. I’m presently making a new breach block as the old one is badly rusted.
I cannot figure out what the mechanism is on the underside that lifts it up and down. Could you please send pictures of the internals. It would be much appreciated.
i have this cannon its is the copy made in Italy in 1916 , i am looking for pictures of breach block and parts in side Dan Hayes 443-306-5420
need detail of breach block
I have no other pictures, sorry.