
Dealer Showroom deals

Here are a few of the interesting items that I found at Dealer Showroom.

The first and really exciting item is a brand new AR-10 Sudanese hand guard.

There are still 2 of them left.

I am working on a couple of Enfield projects and was able to pick up a few items toward […]

AR-10 handguard

Eric, a friend of Gun Lab, let me borrow his AR-10 hand guards collection to photograph and measure up.

The first set of pictures is of a very early hand guard that has not been completed. The information I obtain from this single piece is worth volumes in trying to determine how and what material […]

Answers to the post of 11-29

The first question that would needed to be answered is what do all these parts have in common. That answer would be up coming projects at Gun Lab.

The Cetme, H&K, 05 , G-41 G-43 and 03 pictures is for the 05 project we are working on. The fire control group is changing to be […]

Gun Lab update

This is an answer to a friends question about a particular project.

It is good to always keep checking with me. Things can get a little hectic around here. This is the status of the projects here.

1) the MP-44 trunnions test pieces have been completed and sent to the buyer. A […]

A quick Gun Lab update

I have to say that I am sorry about the lack of posts. In my defense I must say that my full time business and what actually supports me and Gun Lab has been hectic and very busy. It has been so busy that this is my first lunch break in two weeks. Starting my […]

Taking some time off for fun

There was a small machine gun shoot this last Saturday and with my friend Axel in town my wife convinced me to go and take a day off. We had a great time and Axel as well as myself got to do some shooting and have a little fun. This is the video I did […]

Sunday Answer 12-21

These are the factory set of head space gauges for the AR-10 rifle from Holland.


The set with some of the gauges removed

The markings on the chamber gauge as marked on the block as well.

Just a couple of pictures to show the rifle.


More updates on the Sudanese AR-10

We have finally finished the solid model of the Sudanese lower receiver. The total time that has been spent making the solid model is 60 hours. Considering that there were no engineering drawings that were readable and the receiver we had to work with is cut up, I do not feel that is was excessive. […]

AR-10 Sudanese contract

A while back a close friend of mine brought over a parts kit for a Sudanese AR-10. There are no receivers available for this rifle anywhere. However, he did have a cut up receiver. In-addition another friend had sent be some drawings that had been photocopied so many time that done of the dimensions could […]

updates on the projects

Most of my friends know that I am a little different. Generally when I call or e-mail them to let them know what is going on at gun lab there first comment is always why don’t you just work on one project until you complete it. There is a real good reason that I do […]