
Weekend update

First things first. I am dog beat tired. I will post pictures later about everything. Changes were made to the wood shop, solid models were done and a new rifle rack was worked on.

So lets start at the beginning. Saturday was spent with the computer system that I could not get to work correctly only to have my son come in on Sunday and not even find a problem. Make note to self to beat to death a computer for the computer gods.

I started redrawing for a new set of gun racks which will be finished this next week. The solid modeling just did not want to play nice. It took a number of tries to get it correct in an assembly. Pictures to come.

I also started working on drawings for a Volcanic pistol that I want to make some day. That also went to crap, it was just not a day for computer work.

I went to work on cleaning out the pantry and setting up the photographic area. It is amazing just how much junk I can accumulate on a single horizontal surface. With that completed I started on the rifle/pistol photograph stand. I have the remainder of the stand to complete this coming week when the missing components come in.

Sunday turn out a great deal more productive. I move out a great deal of equipment from the wood shop and installed a new CNC router. Wow, another machine to learn how to use. Half of dozen friends dropped by to say hi and it was nice to see them all. And the most exciting news, I made most of the new gun rack for the gun room.

This is it for now as I am done. I will be back tomorrow.

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