
Webley Mk 6 22

Another post on Webley revolvers. This is a 22 version of the Webley Mk 6. According to the book “The Webley Story” this pistol was built as a target pistol for training and practice on short distance ranges.

close up of the cylinder

Markings on the top strap

The Webley logo

If anyone […]

Rick and the SA80 project

Rick at has started a new and interesting project. He has taken on converting a gas operated air soft gun to a shooting rifle. This is a complex project where he is using some AR-180 parts, some SAR 80 parts and making a number of the smaller parts. I wish him luck in his […]

Webley 22lr pistol

A webley Mk 4 in 22lr. I am not sure the date that these were made,but it would have to be post WW2.

Looking at the pictures you can see that the pistol grip is shortened and the cylinder is modified.

The right side view.

A left side view.

Some […]

Lend lease pistols part 1

During World War II after the Dunkirk evacuation the British military was in dire straits for weapons that were lost.

There was a shortage of revolvers. Smith & Wesson was contracted to provide replacement handguns for England. Due to the urgent need there was no time for Smith & Wesson to design a new revolver […]

Webley Mark IV Singapore police pistol

This post deals with 2 Webley mark IV pistols. Both of them were issued to the Singapore police force. Both of these pistols are commercial versions and show no military markings.

The first is a standard mark IV webley.

The second version is the […]

Webley Mark IV Commercial pistol

While we are on the series of posts dealing with Webley revolvers, this is the next one to chat about. It is basically a standard Webley pistol with commercial proof marks, no acceptance marks and a standard finish.


Interesting stamping marks on the barrel

Top strap stamping

A comparison […]

Webley Mk4 38/200

I have always enjoyed collecting and shooting the Webley 38 revolvers. Collecting them has been a challenge. Not because they are scarce but because information is actually hard to come by.

The Webley MkIV 38caliber pistol development started in 1921. This was due to the War Office wanting a smaller and lighter weapon but still […]

Webley Mk6

With the Mark 6 Webley revolver coming about in and being approved for service in May of 1915 it officially became the issue hand gun in British service. You can see the differences between it and the Mk4 revolver that it was suppose to replace. The pistol came with a 6″ barrel and was chambered […]

Mk4 Webley .455

Unfortunately I have no Mk3 pistol in my collection, maybe someday. The next in line is the Mk4 pistol in .455. This pistol was accepted into service in October 1899. Commonly call the Boer war pistol. It was the pistol supplied by the British government for troops sent to South Africa to fight the Boors. […]

Webley Mk2

The second pistol in the series in the Mk2 revolver. By 1894 a number of changes had occurred to the Mk1 to warrant a new nomenclature. Thus the Mk2 was born. The modifications that occurred were to the frame, hammer and the changing of the machined in shield to one that was a separate hardened […]