
VG1-5 update

The first 5 rifles have been made and tested, then re-tested, then again photographed and re-tested and finally photographed in slow motion and re-tested. I number of interesting issues were found and collected, not serious but still interesting. We have one more test to do to verify that everything is good to go.

These are […]

3D Printer

After seeing what Orin, a friend of gun lab, was able to accomplish with his printer I decided to take the plunge and obtain one for myself. I had previously look at this same model of printer a couple of years ago, however at 2500.00 it was out of my price range. At a cost […]

The next step on the MP-44 trunion

Not that we have finished running the parts on the machining centers it is time to do the final fit up. Using the 1018 trunions that we made a hole was drilled in it to allow alignment with the button pressed into the receiver. Then the blocks were tested to see if the fit up […]

MP-44 Trunion op7 , 8 and 9

With these last three operations we will have completed the work on the cnc machining center.


You can see the process of rough machining the bottom of the curve for the trunion. This op also machined the complete magazine well out.

A good side view of the rough machining of the curve.

All the […]

Update on the MP-44 trunions op6

It has been a while for a MP-44 trunion update. The next couple of posts will get us back up to date with the trunion project.

The new op 5 was to cut a slot and rough magazine opening to allow coolant flow and chip removal and still allow us to high speed machine.

Well […]

Machining the MP-44 trunions op 5

With this post I am going over a few of the problems that have occurred during the machining of op5 on the 4140 hardened trunions. We ran into a snag while doing this op. A problem that did not occur on the 1018 steel parts.

A quick video discussing the problem and solution.

The […]

Working on the MP-44 trunions.

We have started on Pete’s, a friend of gun lab, new 4140 MP-44 trunions. This series of videos and posts is the process we used to make them.

First the video.

Here are the pictures going over the changes and the steps we took.

We needed to change the depth of cut for […]

Interesting Gun Making Videos

I came across this series of videos by accident. The project is not complete yet, but it is turning into a very nice piece of art. Check it out.

Part one of the series.


Part 2 of the series.

Part 2b of the series.


Part 3 of the series


VG1-5 update Barrels

We have started with the first few operations on the VG1-5 barrel. When we started we were going to use the cnc lathe exclusively, but with the length of the barrel and no steady rest on the cnc lathe we had way to much chatter. So another change of plans was in order. The steps […]

Working on the VG1-5 bolt

The last post on the bolt was when we completed the lathe work on it. This left us with a turned bolt with the firing pin hole drilled and bored.

A fixture was designed to allow us to machine the bolt at the different angles and still keep everything aligned as it […]