
Weekend update for 6-15-15

A quick update for this last weekend. The slab was finished at the cast area. Here are a couple of views. I still need to get the gantry system up, but I am going to wait for my good friend Mac to help me with that one. He is a much better welder and fabricator […]

Weekend update for 6-7-15

Most of the day Saturday was spent making parts for the AR-180b. The last op on the selector lever was completed,a post is coming up. The pivot buttons were almost completed, one more bar to finish. I spent a great deal of time with the Japax wire edm getting it up and running a post, […]

Weekend update 5-31-15

Now as much to chat about this weekend. Spent most of Saturday machining the AR-180B selector second op. The second op is now complete and we will be setting up the Sharps for the third op. The material and tooling is in to start on the safety shaft on the lathe then the pivot button […]

Weekend update part 2 the metal casting area.

Nothing says fun around Gun Lab like a 3 day weekend. And fun we did have. This post is about the new slab for the metal casting area here at Gun Lab. Last weekend we started digging the footers for the new casting area.

I needed a place for my casting furnaces to go.

So […]