
The machine gun I love to hate

My least favorite machine gun is, drum role please, The MG-34. I like the way they look. I fine the accessories interesting.Like this fortress box.

DSC_8537sOr saddle drums.


The history of the weapon is fascinating.  However, after owning three of them over the years I can say with certainty that it is the aggravating machine gun that I have ever own. This includes the one I have now.




With this machine gun you need tons and I mean tons of spares. Extra Barrels.

DSC_8543sBolts and misc parts.




I bring this up now because at the shoot I met a very nice gent that actually love his MG-34. The weapon that he had there was a beautiful example of a MG-34. He had converted it to 308 and shortened the barrel and shroud to a smaller size. It is a very nice looking gun.

DSC_8340sHowever, the most interesting part about this machine gun is this photo.

DSC_8341sDo you see it? That is fired brass under the gun. Now I never actually saw it fire and I don’t think Wally, a friend of gun lab, would just throw empty cases under his gun to make it look like it had had worked. But the only time mine has had that many fired cases under it was when the machine gun next to it was ejecting them there.

7 comments to The machine gun I love to hate

  • eddie

    great point chuck, it is a beautiful gun though, and how nice to have so many parts for it

  • Bill Miller

    I agree.
    Either they work or they or they don’t.
    There seems to be no in between.

  • Rick Saunders

    Love the updates, news, and opinions. for those of us who have some knowledge, opinions, but not no actual history (personal experience), it still entertains and we can hope for the future…
    Living in New York State, we go backwards as other states move forwards.
    Soon we will find ourselves living where life and liberty is easier.
    Then, perhaps we can form our own (legal) opinions based on experience.

    On appearance, I think I would want an MG34.

  • Pete F.

    I had to laugh at the “throwing them there” part!

  • Pete F.

    Guys I have shot with always had problems with the 34’s but the thought comes to mind, how come the German troops used them all through the war? One would think theirs worked well enough to be used for so long.

  • Wally

    Hey I recognize that gun !

    It did have a few failures to extract at the big shoot, but I swapped the bolt and was back out last weekend. It ran 100% and I was proud as can be.

    Mechanically, they are true works of art. Other guns need long break in periods. MG34s on the other hand, break in their owners.

    Chuck feel free to drop me an email.

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