
Fluting machine up date

More work has been completed on the fluting machine.The tool holder and guide pin have been machined and installed.

A close up of the tool holder with the broaching tool installed.

The 3 jaw chuck has been machined for the barrel to fit into.

Next on the list is finish the hydraulics and […]

Fluting Press

More progress has been made on the fluting press. We have most of the mechanical components made. I will be starting the hydraulics and digital read out soon.

A couple of views of the fluting machine mounted.

Close up of the tool holder. Still a little work to be done to this

The adjustable […]

A quick Gun Lab update

I have to say that I am sorry about the lack of posts. In my defense I must say that my full time business and what actually supports me and Gun Lab has been hectic and very busy. It has been so busy that this is my first lunch break in two weeks. Starting my […]

Weekend update 12-14

Well another fun filled weekend has come and gone. A variety of projects were tackled and some minor accomplishment was achieved. The hole in the wood shop wall was filled in and sheet rocked over. Next weekend I will complete it and get it painted.

I have started moving equipment around in the fab shop […]

Weekend Update 11-24

Well as usual it has been a busy weekend around Gun Lab. More parts have been made for the VG1-5, coming soon in a post. The big project was the water system. The pressure pump took a crap. It just turn the pump room into a swamp and need to be fixed in a bad […]

Weekend update 11-10

It was a productive weekend as weekends go. The holes were drill into the side or the forging press I-beam to support the fluting machine. Here are a few pictures and a quick video of the process.

Moving the back plate over was no big deal, once in the fab shop it was loaded on […]

Weekend update 11-3

A number of items were worked on this weekend. Another section of the fab shop ceiling was completed as well as the out side cover for my forge exhaust.

Then it back at the fluting machine back plate.

The last item worked on was the stocks for the VG1-5. The have been […]

More work on the fluting press.

I had a little extra time this morning so out to the shop it is. Wrote the program and go the mill warmed up and spent my free hour cutting out the guide slot for the fluting machine. Here is a quick video of the process.

A couple of pictures.

Another step closer […]

Mondays update 10-27

With the SAR show coming up quick the main push at Gun Lab is to finish out the VG1-5 project. Not all the rifles will be built prior to SAR, but the parts will be completed and the first 3 rifles will be completed. That is my goal at least. So right now we are […]

Saturday update

I am a little behind just coming back from a 10 day trip through the mid west states. So today was a work day in the shop. The major projects right now are finishing all the parts for the VG1-5, you know the hole that needs to be drilled or the slot that needs to […]