
Update on the VG1-5 project

We have been working on the fire control group and once again have made a few changes for more reliable operation and safety. We continue to have issues with the disconnector operating properly. There were issues with the hammer spring improperly contacting the disconnector. An additional problem came about with insufficient spring pressure to hold it in it’s proper position.

This is the old style of disconnector compared to the new style.


The old version of the fire control group. There was a great deal of problem to get the disconnector to work properly.


DSC_9850sThe part as laser cut

DSC_9851sSolid models of the fixture.



Assem11fixture for machining the disconnector.



After the first machining operation


The finished part with cut outs for the hammer spring and

DSC_9875sFrom start to finish now to de-bur and heat treat.

DSC_9876sThis is the fire control group with the problems worked out.


3 comments to Update on the VG1-5 project

  • eddie

    wow what an amazing lot of work for a small part, people dont understand the amount of work that has to go in to it

  • Rick Saunders

    So amazed and thankful for your sharing things like this…..almost allows me to understand and think in a three dimensional mode.

  • Rufus

    Would you be able to use up any spare prototypes in testing the actual effectiveness of the gas port arrangement ? Especially finding out the timing of the system. Test one out with the gas ports blocked and see what happens ?

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