
More on the Router table

Another busy weekend here at Gun Lab. I did manage to get some time to work on the router table. The work that was accomplished was on the table top for the router table.

The first thing was cut the slots for the biscuits. This was accomplished in both the table top and the oak moulding. The tool that was use was a Porter-Cable.

dsc_2897sIt made quick work of it.

Then the biscuits were glued in and everything was clamped together.

dsc_2896sAfter drying the next step was to add the veneer. This task did not go as smoothly as it should have.

Starting with a full sheet it was cut with scissors over sized. Then coating both the veneer and the table top with contact cement it was carefully placed in position, or not.


This is the results of the first try.

dsc_2895sThe second try got it down.

After it was installed the edges were trimmed off using a trimming router bit.

dsc_2898csYou can see the ball bearing on the top of the tool. This allows it to ride against the oak edging while cutting away the veneer and not cut into the table.

After the veneer was set then came cutting the slots. Using a series of router bits we were able to gut the guide slots and the backing guide slots.dsc_2892sPlunge router with a 1″ bit for cutting the guide slots

dsc_2891sAll in all it turn out not half bad.

dsc_2886sNext weekend I will be installing the router lifting mechanism.


dsc_2888sIt was a good weekend and I got to try and do new tools and methods. First time with a plunge router. First time doing veneer. First time using biscuits.

2 comments to More on the Router table

  • Skipper

    Router table with drawers did turn out good and I was following your posts with updates as I was interested to also build a table with storage but a friend sold me his Delta-Rockwell Shaper which is an older tool and made very well. Now I will need extensions on either side to accommodate long boards and panels and as always storage is always in short supply. Your project turned out very good and I am sure beneficial to others considering to build one for themselves.

    • Chuck

      There are a few things I would change if I were to make another one. I would change the drawer design so that the fronts cover the front of the cabinet instead of being recessed. I would also make the drawer fronts last to fit exactly. I would also change the top so that you could just buy a sheet of mdf with the veneer already on it.
      I have a shaper as well but with the router I can use off the shelf router bits. Thanks for the comment.

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