This post deals with just one of the small stampings that goes into making a MP-44. he part being make for this post is the sheet metal reinforcement for the back of the magazine well. This simple part closes the rear of the magazine well, strengthens the rear of the magazine well, addes extra support for the magazine catch area and provides a guide for the magazine.
This is what the part looked like after being removed from a torch cut receiver. There is not much there that is useful, however with a little work a new part can be made.
The first step is to measure out the part and then design a female stamping die that will meet the contours of the part.
Once verified it is time to move onto the next part
In this case the next part is the male die. As this process is being accomplished a number of stampings are done.Generally nothing happens correctly the first time.
Now the die is added to. The complexity of the die either requires a cnc machine to make it or a fabricated die has to be made. Due to the lack of cnc yhe die was pieced together to form the required shape.
After the stamping dies are completed then it is time to work out through trial and error the proper shape of the blank.
Not comes the moment of truth. If everything works properly then a good part will be made.
It took a great deal of work to design and make the press tools that were necessary to make just one simple part.
You are indeed a genius with metal working. Great job! Harry
Pete is a true master of sheet metal work
Working wonders with my pictures again Chuck!
Pete, beautiful work. These are truly works of art. Can I get you to contact me I’m intrested in perhaps buying some items to repair my mp44 kit. My email is