There was a small machine gun shoot this last Saturday and with my friend Axel in town my wife convinced me to go and take a day off. We had a great time and Axel as well as myself got to do some shooting and have a little fun. This is the video I did of Axel shooting, unfortunately I did not get the video of him shooting the full auto Sudanese AR-10. That rifle is just way to much fun standing up in full auto. He was a hazard to low flying aircraft.
Something interesting happened at the shoot and that is you should always check what kind of ammo you are shooting. A friend bought a large number of reloads and partial boxes of factory 38 special. After he finished shooting it a strange case was noticed on the ground.
It was a 32-20 fired in a 38 special chamber.
It was easy to make the mistake if you are not checking each and every round.
I also got to shoot a Knight Armament 308 rifle with suppressor. What a great gun I just wish I had the money to buy one.
A great time was had by all and I am glade I took the day off.
That looks like a typical day at the range in Arizona, GREAT FUN. When do you think the STG45 (Gerate 06H) will be finished? Looking forward to getting the VG1-5 and then the STG45. Harry
Wish I was there! I know it’d be warmer than where I am now…and a lot more fun!