
Sunday answer 4-12-15

Sorry for the late answer to this Saturday what is it.





It is the brreechblock from a Sauer & Sohn model 1930 pistol. This is a copy from NRA firearms assembly 2, A book you should have in your library, showing the components of the pistol. It is part number 7.



This picture shows the pistol down to it’s basic field stripping.


DSC_4960csThis shows how the breechblock fits into the slide

DSC_4963csTo assembly the pistol the slide goes over the main spring and barrel, then the breechblock is slide in from the back and the slide cap is screwed on.

DSC_4964csA couple of views of the assembled pistol


DSC_4967csThis whole project started because I just received a second pistol but the firing pin was missing. Having a shop and a second pistol I decided to make a new firing pin. Same model pistol with only a few hundred difference in serial number range. However the firing pin from my first pistol is to large for the second pistol.  In fact there a number of parts that will not interchange between the pistols. Still the firing pins turned out nice and I will change the necessary dimensions to make new ones for the second pistol.




1 comment to Sunday answer 4-12-15

  • Kerwin Kerr

    This brought up an interesting memory. Mike, one of my Vietnam comrades said his dad was in north Africa during WWII. Apparently one of the troops got pissed at the old man and was ratted out that he was going to shoot him at an opportune moment! When the old man heard the rumor he had the first sergeant order his troops to turn in all the bolts for their M1’s and they put in the company safe. Shortly thereafter orders came down from above to get ready for the Battle of Kasserine Pass where Rommel kicked out asses! Low and behold when the troops got back their bolts about half of them wouldn’t go into battery and it took the company armorer 3 days to get the right bolts in the right rifle! I was of the opinion on M98 Mausers the German troops would place their bolts in a bucket of diesel when they were cleaning their rifles when they were done cleaning every trooper would just go to the bucket and pull out any bolt and have no headspace problems because of superior German machine tolerances and gages. That’s why I was surprised when you said on the above article that the firing pins didn’t interchange. Usually Euro guns are pretty well manufactured in my experience.

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