The story behind the Library and wood shop changes started with the termite issues and has grown into some serious changes. My initial idea was to do a series of videos showing the scope of the work but that would take weeks to edit and it would take away from all the other projects going on here at gun lab. Instead I will show a photo expo and the steps taken to accomplish all the work.
Initially my wood shop looked like this.
Now for the rest of the story.
This area is the covered walk way around the wood shop. The walls had damage as did the upstairs deck. the deck was replace with 2×10’s and 1″ decking.
The walk way was framed in and sealed. The windows were removed and framed in.
The original outside covering was removed and recovered with OSB and then sheet rock.
Once it was painted it was time to move the hardware store over. Again this was no small task.
We had everything from plumbing fittings to nails and screws in there. It would have made an ACE Hardware store jealous.
We are still working on organizing it but currently it is about 70% completed.
The continuing story coming, Part 2 soon.
Looking good Chuck ! It’ll be great to see the machine layout too.
Hexaflumuron can help you
My termite people almost live down here. I hope to have it under control soon. Just found some more