
Weekend update for 7-6-15

A number of projects were tackled this weekend, as always around here. First the comm trench was completed and 3 sets of cat 6 wiring was pulled.

DSC_5842sNext weekend I will bring it into the shop.

A small a/c unit was set up in the wood shop. It is not big enough but it does help keep the humidity down and makes it a little easier to work in there.

DSC_5843sPainted the wall of the wood shop that needed it. I also finished running the wiring for my wife’s office a/c unit. More work was completed on the cnc router frame. The plastic sides were installed and gasket material is being put in.

DSC_5844sI worked in the machine shop making a few video’s along the way. I have finished bending all the AR-180B bolt hold open bars.

DSC_5855sVideo a little later this week.


I also finished bending the fire control housing’s for the VG1-5.

DSC_5859sThere is a video on this as well.

What the completed box looks like.

DSC_5854sThe VG1-5 project is coming along and now with the AR-180 parts completed and going to heat treat we will be moving faster.

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