
The Passing of Kevin O’Brien

It is with a heavy heart that I pass the news on that Kevin O’Brien has passed. Most of you will know him as Weaponsman.

There is more here.

I really enjoyed his site and went to it several times a day. He will be missed.

The last book that he reviewed I ordered just after reading the review. It came in today, only to make me once again think of him and miss his site.

3 comments to The Passing of Kevin O’Brien

  • JB (the other one)

    I am saddened to hear of Kevin’s passing but was also concerned that there had been no recent posts here at the Lab.

  • Chuck

    My work log has once again been a real killer. An example is this week which I worked from 6am to 8pm on Monday then wrote reports to 11pm. Tuesday I was back at it by 7am and got home at 7pm, more reports until 11pm. Wednesday once again started at 6:30 am home at 7pm, shifted cars drove 4 hours to set up for work the next day in bed at the motel at 11 pm. Them up at 6am eat in the field working until 6:30 then another 4 hour drive home and now up a heading out the door.
    I have hundreds of pictures and hours of video that I need to process for the web page I just have been real short on time. This weekend is already booked solid as is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Hoping to have some time the following weekend to make some posts.

  • JB (the other one)

    WOW. I don’t know what your day job is but that schedule sucks LoL.

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