A little while back a very interesting box showed up at the house.
But then when it was open you could see that there was plastic wrapped goodies.
Then like magic when the wrapping came off you could see something very interesting. First one.
And when all the bundles of plastic were open there were 9.
They are setting at home in the gun room until John decides what and where he wants me to send them, in April.
dear Sir,
I’m a really engaged collector of German military rifles and would appreciate to get in a direct contact with the gunlab owner. Perhaps I’m to stupid but I cant’t find an impressum or a contact adress on this site. It wopuld be really nice to get a repley.
kind regards from Germany and thank’s in advance
Albrecht Wacker
tried to contact you but no email address.
The magazine in the last pic looks like a cut down MP44 10 rounder. It looks new do you have a source for these magazines?? thx
It started as a 30 round magazine that was cut down
Hello Chuck,
Even though you have the rifles, and I can only see fuzzy pictures, it appears to me that that last magazine is not cut down. It is also a modern made magazine. The other magazines appear to be made by a certain person who uses xls named John.
Those are in 7.92×33 as well right? VERY neat concept!!!
Want! ?
I wish an interesting box would show up on my doorstep….
dear Chuck,
thank’s for your kind reaction and please excuse my delay but I thought you can see it as the owner of the website, so here it is morion.wacker@t-online.de
my website is http://www.morion-forensic-consult.de
kind regards
Original guns? All with original mags?
How come I never get boxes like that?
I feel a slightly massive need for one.
Now that’s a great package!
Could you by chance do a video on the carbines? Or by chance contact forgotten weapons so they can do a video on them? Also can we get more up close photos of the sniper variant? Thank you