
Monday update 9-22

Well the fab shop new addition is now framed up and ready for a concrete pour. With any luck I will have the concrete completed in October.

This weekend is also honey-do weekend as well. The tile needed to put down in the hallway and bathroom and the new lighting installed. This […]

Monday follow up 9-15 work on the fab shop

I was able to accomplish a little more on the addition to the Fab shop. That is until we ran out of materials. Here are a few pictures of what little work that was accomplished on it. Just so you have an idea of the progression. This is me fighting with the compactor a while […]

Weekend after action report for 8-24

Another typical weekend here at Gun Lab. As with all weekends a certain amount of maintenance has to be completed. Saturday morning was spent doing some design work in solid works for a new piece of equipment that we are building to make fluted barrel chambers (more on that a little later in the week). […]

Changes to Gun Lab

I have decided to make a few changes to the way gun lab works. I personally can watch machining videos and look at solid models and guns all day. I guess that is because it is what I enjoy. I mean I take my vacations to go to factories to watch things being made Plastic […]

Update on work around Gun Lab.

Not everything is fun and games around here. There is always maintenance to accomplish as well building projects not related to guns to perform. This Sunday was one of those days. My boss, wife, deemed that the doors needed painting as well as the door frames. So all the doors except the big steel doors […]

Moving die plates

Will Cushman asked how we moved the die plates around the shop. If my shop was in a single building or even on a the same level it would be a great deal easier.

To move the dies from under the bench to the top of the bench to work on them I use a […]

Tour of Vltor Weapons Systems

A little while back we had the opportunity to visit the extensive shop that is home to Vltor Weapons Systems. It’s a huge facility, and gives Vltor the ability to do almost every part of a manufacturing process in house – including stamping, machining, welding, bending, laser engraving, and many different kinds of finishing. As […]

A Visit to American Spirit Arms

It has been way too long since we posted something, sorry guys. Hopefully we will be able to keep up a bit better from now on – and we’re going to start with a tour we just had of American Spirit Arms. They are great folks making a top-quality AR, and graciously gave us free […]

A Slightly Different Take on Pakistani Gunmaking

We’ve all heard about the guys making knockoff firearms in Pakistan with vices and hand files. Well, Al-Jazeera English did a story on some of these guys, with a somewhat different focus than you usually see. Apparently, they are really concerned about government crackdowns on armsmakers (where have we heard that refrain before?), and in […]