Busy weekend. A number of small and large projects were completed this weekend so lets get to the list.
The first was completing the painting in the fab shop. This is what it looked like.
I hope to work on the last of the lighting next weekend.
The wall in the wood shop was sanded and another coat of mud put on. This is the before we even started it picture.
Then after we took out the window and framed it in.
We moved some equipment around in the wood shop it allow easier access and use.
I need to build a dust cabinet around the cnc router and I wanted the access to be where I can install and remove fixtures and parts.
I finished the radial arm saw table.
My wife started on the new library/document room.
Cabinet of manuals
Files of data collected over 35 years.
We also got the cnc router up and running. The parameters had been changed and it took most of Saturday getting it to work properly. Here is a quick video of it cutting air.
The other project that was worked on was the photographic stand for rifles and pistols. The first version I was using a lazy susan to allow me to move it.
However there was to much movement so the final version is just bolted to the board.
All I can say is ‘WOW.’ That looks great and the library sounds great.
The library for manuals and paper work will help a great deal. I had stuff everywhere and it was impossible to find anything when I needed it. The books are in book cases through out the house and I still misplace them.