
RHKP Smith and Wesson revolver

This is just another interesting piece from the Gun Lab reference collection. This is just one of the weapons used by the Royal Hong Kong Police prior to being disbanded in 1997 when the British turn over Hong Kong to the Chinese. The pistol I am talking about is a Smith and Wesson model 10-7 revolver.

The pistol is a standard Smith and Wesson model 10-7 in 38 special.

DSC_1333sRight side view

DSC_1332sAn interesting mark, G20, on the yolk

DSC_1337csYou can see the model markings on the frame

DSC_1342csThe marking on the back strap showing the RHKP stamping and there number

DSC_1339sNothing super special about the pistol just an interesting foot note in history

1 comment to RHKP Smith and Wesson revolver

  • Andrew Thomas

    I have designed a couple of revolver parts & want to find out if anyone else has thought of the same. Also anyone out there that could tell me if my ideas might work. I live in Australia & if you know anything about our gun laws you will know that I could probably get in trouble just for thinking about guns. So I’d like to know that my ideas are good before I go further. Thank you. Andrew

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