
One more update about the never ending wood shop

I know everyone is tried of me talking about the wood shop and its extension. The good news is that it is coming to an end. This weekend most of the work has been completed and the tooling was moved in.

Last weekend the tool boxes were moved in the extension and the last of the general wiring was completed.

IMG_6597sWith all the work completed I was able to move my second metal lathe in.


I also moved my Grandfather’s work bench in as well.


Work was started up again on the cnc router and the air compressor was put in its temporary place.

The tool boxes were then set up in there long term spot.

IMG_6629sAll this and a view to boot just out side my door.

IMG_6639sAlso finished the sheet rock and the tape and mud of the joints upstairs in the guest house area.


IMG_6642sMost people take the weekend off to wind down and relax. Me I go to work on Monday to do that.



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