
Beretta model 57

Gordie K., a friend of gun lab, was nice enough to send me some pictures of a Beretta model 57 that he made in semi auto only. This is one of my to do projects and I am excited to see someone accomplishing this. Here are a few pictures of his build.




DSCN0118[1]-csOne of the interesting designs of this rifle is that the barrel extension is held in only by brazing it is place. There are on pins or steps in the receiver.

The barrel extension still attached to the right side of the receiver.

DSC_0093csThe inside of the left side of the receiver showing the brazing material.

DSC_0095csThe barrel threads and barrel extension threads are an acme type thread instead of a normal type of thread.

DSC_0099csThe internal shape on the receiver is well thought out design for machining.


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