
Weekend update 10-2-16

If you had been at Gun Lab’s work site you would know that space in any of the shops is at a premium. And none is worse then the fab shop. Just about everything that can have wheels does. To do any kind of work in this shop you actually have to spend most of your productive work time moving stuff out of the way to do what you wanted to do.

This is what the fab shop turned into, a cluttered impossible to work in shop.



A while back, over a year now, I started working on doing a little addition to the fab shop. This added space will be a great help in the shop.




dsc_0030sWith all the supports up and the steel in place all we  now need to do in add concrete.

dsc_0199sWell this weekend the slab was finally laid.

dsc_2563sA total of 9 yards of fun happened on Saturday.

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