
Part 2 of weekend update 1-12-15

I did not finish the weekend update for last weekend so I thought I would fill you in on everything else that was accomplished. As you know we went out shooting on Saturday and then came home and cleaned the guns that we used. Come Sunday morning Axel made the fatal mistake of asking is there anything he could do to help. This a typical work list that I start on the Monday after the weekend to help plan for the next weekend.

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My wife jumped on that right now. We had problems finding ammo from the ammo rack so it was time to reorganize and check everything. Axel, with normal Teutonic efficiency, tackled the job. You can see the kind of disaster we were dealing with.



Every can was removed from the rack and opened then labeled.


DSC_3519sTalk about a fun day, WOW.

While they were having way to much fun doing this I decided to take it easy and lounge around by the wood shop. The new conduits needed to be laid for electricity for my wife’s a/c in the office, who would have thought that she did not want to work in a room that was 120 in the heat of the summer. The trench was cleaned out an bedded in sand.


DSC_3500sThen the conduit that was  here was set in place.



DSC_3507sThe 4″ conduit will be put in next weekend.

My son wanted the spot welder moved to machine shop in 2 and that was accomplished.

DSC_3527sFinally all the ammo was organized and stored based upon caliber.

DSC_3524sWe ran out of label material so temporary labels were made. But still organized.

DSC_3526sThe moral of the story around here is not to voluntary for work because we can find you something to do.


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