
Making the Type 99 magazine part two

Well more work has been completed on the solid model of the type 99 magazine. We have now finished both side with feed lips and bottom plate rib. Soon the follower and lower spring plate will be completed. When all the parts are completed it will be off to the 3-D printer.

Here are a few more solid models to check out.Type 99 Mag Assy1

Type 99 Mag Assy2

Type 99 Mag Assy4

Type 99 Mag Assy34

We have now completed the entire magazine. So this is the rest of the solid models.

First the exploded views.

Type 99 Mag Assyexplode1

Type 99 Mag Assy explode2Now for some individual parts.

rienforcment stop

Spring Holderand a picture of this part.IMG_0086

Type 99 Followerand a picture of the followerIMG_0075

spring holder pinHere is a drawing of the magazine as well.

Type 99 Mag Assy3print1

This is it for now. Next will be the machined plastic model.

As a side not. If anyone has a rusted/dented unrepairable magazine they want to donate to the cause it will be used to test the final bit of information that we need. Please feel free to contact me.

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