
Demo at the school, Part 3 on the wood shop

With my normal job I do a great deal of work with construction companies and home owners who are doing remodels. In this post  I was doing some work for a construction company that was getting ready to demo an elementary school. My first question is always is there anything I can use and how long do I have to take it down.

In the case of this school they were going to save nothing and I could have anything I want but it had to be out of there by Friday at 2pm. They told me this on Tuesday at noon. So the race was on to remove all the cabinets that I could and still work my normal job.

To accomplish this I would leave the house at 4AM to arrive at the school by 5AM to start the demo work and be done by 8AM to start my work day.

There were 4 rooms of cabinets. Here are a couple of pictures showing all the cabinets and the crap that was in them. This was the start of the project.

IMG_5540sAfter I cleaned out the cabinets.



This is me working on removing the upper cabinets.

IMG_2682As the cabinets were taken down my wife and I would load they into the truck and she would take them home and I would unload them and start cleaning them off to get heady to hang them in the wood shop and the fab shop.

The top of the cabinets had 3/4 particle boards glued and screwed on. To remove the cabinets they had to cut apart on the top and bottom. This is what they look like when they were taken apart.


IMG_6248sI started with a pry bar to remove the majority of the particle board then went in with a chisel to removed the remaining material.

With all the prep work completed the cabinets are ready to hang up.

6 comments to Demo at the school, Part 3 on the wood shop

  • Axel

    that makes max. 5 hours of sleep?!

  • Steven /Alphawolf45

    If I lived close I’d give you 150.00 cash for one of those steel passage doors with frame..I wont pay what theyre asking for a new door and cant find a deal locally..This for my new mancave …You have yourself a good thing going.

    • Chuck

      If you were close I would give you a new one from the pile I have out back. I did a school where they ordered 3-o doors and got 30″ doors instead of 36″ doors. I pulled 10 of them with frames that are brand new from a dumpster. Now the superintends just call with stuff they want to get rid of.

  • Wyatt

    Nice score on some serious heavy duty cabinets !!! They’ve got to be heavy with all that MDF …
    How many rooms did you empty ?
    Definitely elementary school, check out that low sink you are standing on !!! :-)

  • Chuck

    I empty 4 rooms of the uppers but only took two of the large cabinets.

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