A friend of mine showed up this last weekend with a new addition to his collection. It is interesting enough that I wanted to share it with you. As with all collectors we not only want the weapon but all the accessories as well. In this case the accessory that he just received was an original transit case used by the Australian military.
This chest is really very cool. It holds 3 Owen guns with magazines, slings and cleaning gear.
A close up of the lid shows the packing and equipment list and location.
In the lower right hand corner is the actual list of material to be in the box.
You can see what the inside of the box looks like here.
Here are a few more pictures of the out side of the box with the painted lettering on it.
There was a card attached to the box with the serial numbers of the weapons in them.
To give you the over all appreciation of the box you really need to see it with the Owen inside the box.
And a couple of pictures of a real nice Owen.
This particular weapon has an additional accessory as well.
A close up of the markings on the Owen.
It was nice to see this weapon. When the temperature drops we will be out shooting it.
i am sure that is the first silenced Owen I have ever seen. Wow that is super rare. The box is great also. Noticed that 10 Mags per gun is an adequate number. Would you give permission to post a link to this thread on Gunboards full auto group?
Please feel free to post a link
The Owen is one of the ugliest but probably the best every Gen 2 subgun made. Outperformed the Sten and Thompson hands down. Stayed in Australian service through the Vietnam war.
We will be taking it out on a shoot in the near future. I am looking forward to it.
Nice Photo of Refurbished (Military) Owen Chest…with Post-Korean war Markings.
I have Two of them in my Movie Guns” Inventory, but not enough OMCs to fill them both.
Mark I/42 Gun: First Issue Model, with finned barrel and Skeleton Butt and No safety slide over bolt-cocking handle. Safety part of selector Lever (LHS Trigger Box). NO Bayonet Lug on barrel either.
Mark 1/43 Silenced After-Market conversion…USA. Not Original.Small Allen Hex-socket screw visible between Rec.Tube and Front Grip: Front sight Heli-arc welded; all Owen Welding done by Oxy torch and stick method.
May have been “Made up” by enterprising Armourer in SVN for use by US/CIA specialists; ( or with a Modern snuffer in the US after the 70s.) Aussie Use of Owens lasted only part of the involvement in SVN…the AR15 (early Models soon overtook it. BY the end of the Involvement, the SMG F1 had been developed and Made and Issued ( 1967 onwards) ( Sterling type design, but drawn up in Australia)
Doc AV
AV Ballistics Film Ordnance Services
Brisbane ( Australia)
hi there
i had a wonderful suppressed owen
600 rpm in your back yard and the only noise was from the bolt going backwards and forwards
i have a photo somewhere
Could you please create YouTube clips of disassembly/ assembly of the OMC. After a lot of searching there are only a couple of clips of field stripping the gun available (black and white) and a clip from forgotten weapons shooting an owen but doesn’t really explain how unique the gun was and why it worked so well.
Hi there, would it possible to get some measures from this gun??
I make replica weapons for reenactment and film purposes and need some blue prints/plans to make a prop version.
Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.
Good day. I have a carry box but missing a few items. The wooden blocks to secure the parts for example. From memory my packing instructions and table-of-contents list are very degraded.
Would you be able to put me in contact with your collector friend to compare notes? I am based in West Australia.
Regards, Stuart J
I will contact him for you
Hello Chuck. Was your Owen box owner open to a chat and providing some photos?
Regards, Stuart J
Does anyone have the dimensions of this chest?