
AR-10 Sudanese contract

A while back a close friend of mine brought over a parts kit for a Sudanese AR-10. There are no receivers available for this rifle anywhere. However, he did have a cut up receiver. In-addition another friend had sent be some drawings that had been photocopied so many time that done of the dimensions could be read. The real excitement is that I have always wanted an early style AR-10. So while I was waiting for material, tooling or fixtures to be made for the current projects I started another project. that is to design the solid model of the lower receiver. This is that story.
The first thing that was accomplished was to made large prints from the files that were sent of the lower receiver.


Once I had that I started adding dimensions based upon measurement of the cut up one.


You can see the measurement in red on the drawing.

This is the start of the solid model, day one in the process.


The following pictures are the progression of solid modelling the receiver. Keep in mind that this project was only worked on on weekends after we shut down the machines or in the evenings.
A few more pictures of the work after the first day.
ar-10 receiver drawing_s

ar-10 receiver drawing 2nd_s

This is the model after the second session at the computer.

ar-10 receiver drawing2_s
ar-10 receiver drawing3_s

ar-10 receiver drawing4_s

And again after the third opportunity I had to work on it.

ar-10 receiver drawing7_s

ar-10 receiver drawing6_s

This is after the forth session.

ar-10 receiver drawing9_s

ar-10 receiver drawing8_s

And a cut away of it to show inside dimensions.

ar-10 receiver drawing cut away_sThis last set of pictures is the final version.

ar-10 receiver drawing_s


I will be going over every radius, angle,hole and dimension again this weekend to verify that everything is correct with this solid model. I will also be making the changes to make this a semi auto receiver only.  The tool list has been generated and I hope to be working on the fixtures and programs soon. Let me know what you think.

18 comments to AR-10 Sudanese contract

  • John Ryan

    Exciting project. How about some pics of the parts kit.


  • John D.

    The most significant engineering change Artillerie Inrichtung made in the AR-10 during its production run was a 10 degree rotation of the magazine to improve feeding. The top of the magazine was rotated back, the bottom forward. This engineering change was executed after the Sudanese models were made and incorporated into the Portuguese models (which AI designated AR-10a).

    You might want to consider this slight magazine rotation to improve feeding in your rifle.

  • Pete F.

    Neat that you are doing that. Receivers have not been available for years. Never were many parts sets around even way back when.
    Shoot me an email. I have AR10 items you would find interesting.
    Pete in St. Louis

  • ESK

    John D.,

    As far as I’m aware (as a fellow collector and historian), I have to believe your mistaken on your claims. From my knowledge all A.I. Sudanese, Transitional’s and the Portugese NATO configurations had a 90 degree magazine well. The angled forward magwell wasn’t developed until the later AR10 development days, with the last of Armalite involved developments was with the AR10A. This AR10A is not to be confused with the earlier (1954-55), Hollywood, third prototype that’s also known as the “Golden Gun”, due to its unique goldish-gray hardcoat anodizing finish. The AR10A in mention was the last of Armalite’s developments, from the lessons learned from the Armalite prototypes and A.I.’s production run. This improved design was also the configuration that Colt was considering to manufacture until last minute decision was made to switch over and to manufacture the small bore variant, the AR15. This AR10A features the desired “Angled Forward” magazine well and still utilizing an aluminum “waffled” magazine, but with the improved magazine body and feed lip angle. The rifle also featured a number of other unique features, like a roller bearing on both the bolt carrier body and the cam pin head.

    In my honest opinion, the last AR10A was the rifle that Knight’s should have continued developing for their SR25 program. Oh well, too late.

    • John D.

      In the 1960’s I had the opportunity to regularly play with a collection of AR-10s, including two early ‘Hollywood’ rifles (one belt fed), a Sudanese, a Cuban, and a Portuguese. These identifications were the owner’s and might have been in error. The Portuguese rifle’s magazine had a decided pitch upward. Front magazine wall had 8 degrees of positive pitch from the receiver top, measured by a vernier protractor. No roller bearings either.

      All five rifles took the same magazines interchangeably, although the owner had one uncorrugated steel magazine which appeared to be a ‘one off’ prototype. Think it had the Stoner ‘constant force’ spring arrangement.

  • Ian I have some semi-auto blueprints for the 2nd Model (NATO) AR10 if you would be interested in them shoot me an email. I also have a 2nd Model AR 10. Harry

  • Mac

    Hey Chuck, I’ll see ya Monday afternoon :)

  • Mike

    Quite a few of these ( as well as the Dutch Model) came into New Zealand in the early 1980s ( as semi auto conversions). I am sure they are still around in many collectors safes

  • H. Hollow


    Is this the tilting magwell you recall?
    The rifle shown was made for testing by Finland and fired 7.62x39mm. The mag is steel and non-waffled. Only a couple of these rifles still exist.


  • Gunner Ashford

    Hi Folks
    Approx 400 of these were imported into New Zealand including 5 portugese sniper types with bipod and scope.They are still popping up in gun sales for NZ$1500-2000.
    I have 6 in my collection with serial nos from 00383 to 1599 and sold a Sudanese with a serial no of 6582.
    Agreat weapon that is a pleasure to shoot

  • Booth

    I realize this is an old thread, but:

    I have a pair of AR-10s, one Sudan and one Porto. I’d love to have a copy of that drawing to frame and put on the wall in my shop.
    Do you have a dwg or pdf you could send me?

  • Terry

    I have a Sudanese Reveiver that is cracked, but can easy placed back together if you need any information. Would like to help in any way. Once you complete I am very interested in purchasing one of your receives. Your Truly Terry

  • Blackie

    I have a Sudanese contract AR10 in original format which I Shoot regularly. It has the bayonet although the two do not have matching numbers. Is any making furniture for these? My handguards are cracking.

  • Terry

    Is this project still moving forward or completely stopped.

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